1. Notice

Upper Room Fire Christian Centre (UFCC) was established in the UK as a Charitable organisation registered with the Charity Commission in January 12th 2011, Charity Number 1134967

This Privacy Notice explains what to expect when UFCC UK collects and uses your personal information. Please endeavour to read this notice carefully, and if there are further enquiries about data protection and privacy policies, please contact our Senior Pastor


Phone:  07738956276  or  Email:

  1. Scope

All data subjects whose data is processed by UFCC UK

  1. Responsibilities

Our responsibility is to ensure that this notice is made available to potential data subjects prior to

collecting/processing their personal data.  All Volunteers staff who interact with data subjects are responsible for ensuring that this notice is drawn to the data subject’s attention and their consent to the processing of their data is secured.

  1. Our Promise

Upper Room Fire Christian Centre is committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring the personal information you have entrusted to us is held securely. We process personal information in accordance with the relevant Data Protection Legislation.

  1. 5. We collect personal information in the following ways:

Directly from you when you:

  • Attend our church programmes or events
  • Make a donation;
  • Visit our website
  • Sign up to join as volunteer worker
  • Contact us with an enquiry;
  • Complete a survey;

From other sources:

  • We may use the Google or other search engines, Royal Mail’s postcode finder, National Change of Address update (NCOA®) or the electoral roll, to check the accuracy of the address or data we hold;
  • Information made available publicly by Charity Commission, Companies House or information that has been published in newspapers and articles.
  1. Fair Processing Notice

 What is Personal Data?

Under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation: Personal Data is defined as “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person”.

Sensitive Personal Data

  • The Data Protection Act recognises some information as ‘sensitive personal data’. This includes, but is not limited to, information which reveals your religious beliefs, health issues, race or ethnic origin.
  • UFCC is a Church committed to preserving its Christian ethos and its beliefs in accordance with our statement of faith. Where necessary and consented to, we may collect details about your personal faith.
  • Additionally, we collect details about any health concerns or disability you have disclosed so we can meet any additional customer service requirements.
  • We also receive prayer requests, and the information may reveal sensitive personal data. As a praying church, we may share and pray for these needs at our internal group prayer sessions.
  • We will always treat any sensitive personal data we process with greater care and process the information in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Why We Collect Your Personal Information

  • The benefit of being on our correspondence list is that you get information about our outreach events, training for both spiritual and physical development. You may also get a notification on Prayer and Fasting Programmes, notification on consultations that affect the Christian Faith, notification of other events on the Christian Calendar globally.
  • To process your offering, tithes and donations (if applicable)
  • To reclaim tax on Gift Aid donations, if applicable.
  • To verify that you are over 18 and if not, obtain permission from your parent/guardian to process your information or accept any regular donations.
  • To enable us to take greater care when engaging with our senior citizens
  • To enable us to contact you with relevant and the most appropriate information.
  • To manage and coordinate our volunteers.
  • For compliance with employment law and other statutory requirements.

How UFCC uses your information

  • UFCC will process – that means to collect, store and use – the information you provide in a manner that is compatible with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will endeavour to keep your information accurate and up to date and not keep it for longer than is necessary. In some instances, the law sets the length of time information has to be kept, but in most cases UFCC will use its discretion to ensure that we do not keep records outside of our normal business requirements.
  • Our aim is not to be intrusive, and we undertake not to ask irrelevant or unnecessary questions. Moreover, the information you provide will be subject to rigorous measures and procedures to minimise the risk of unauthorised access or disclosure.
  • We may pass your personal data on to our service providers who are contracted to UFCC. Our contractors are obliged to keep your details securely and use them only to fulfil the service they provide you on our behalf such as registration or payment processing. Once your service needs has been satisfied, or the case has been closed, they will dispose of the details in line with our record retention. If we wish to pass your sensitive personal data onto a third party, we will only do so once we have obtained your consent, unless we are legally required to do so.
  • Email and text marketing:

           We will ask for your permission to contact you by email or text for marketing purposes.

  • Postal marketing:

            From time to time we may send you information about our work unless you have told us you would prefer not to receive this information by post.

  • Telephone marketing:

            We may call to update you on the vital work we are doing, we will only make marketing calls to you if you have given us permission to do so.

  • By consenting to this, you are giving us permission to perform those actions.
  • UFCC is committed to respecting your choice to receive marketing information. You can update your permission and contact preferences at any time by:
  • Calling our Pastor’s line: 07738956276.
  • Emailing:

Who We Share Your Information With

UFCC will only share personal information as is necessary to fulfil our administrative functions.

We may also share your personal information with trusted third parties where they are contracted to develop or maintain our systems. UFCC may be under a duty to disclose your personal information where required in order to comply with any legal obligation.

How Long We Keep Your Data

UFCC will only keep your personal information for as long as it is required and in accordance with statutory requirements. For example, HMRC requires that we keep a record of your name, address and Gift Aid declaration for six years from the date of your last donation. Where the information is no longer required, we will ensure that it is disposed of in a secure manner.

If you have indicated that you do not wish to hear from us in the future, we will keep the minimum information necessary to ensure we avoid contacting you any further.

Your Information Rights And Choices

The Data Protection Legislation gives you the right:

  • To request in writing and securely obtain copies of the personal information UFCC holds about you.
  • To correct or update your personal information processed by UFCC
  • To request UFCC to stop using your personal information for marketing purposes or for any other purpose where there is no legal requirement for continued processing.

Reporting Concerns or Compliments

Please contact us if you wish to raise a concern about UFCC Office’s handling of your personal information, or compliment what you think we have done well. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office about how we manage your data.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

UFCC will review our privacy notice regularly. The terms of this notice may be updated at any time for example, in the event of changes in law and how we operate. If there are any significant changes in the way we process your personal information, we will provide prominent notice and send a notification. This notice was last updated in May 2018.

Thank you and God bless